Thursday, July 31, 2014

Weigh-In Day 07.30.14

Current Weight Loss: WW=14lbs/MFP=16lbs   Goal Weight Loss: 50lbs  

It’s the day after my WW weigh-in day (reached my first goal weight!!) and I’m still trying to decide if I want to bore you with the details of my journey on a daily or weekly basis.  :o)  I’ve made an extra effort to be more active, instead just collapsing in the recliner after a long day (sigh). This past week I re-introduced myself to the 31 day squat challenge (I’m on Day 5) thanks to my niece in California (The internet and Facebook can be wonderful tools when used for good.). Also, I’ve saved a few Youtube videos from Beautiful Brown Baby’s collection to help keep my work-outs interesting. 
One week until my vacation and I’m planning to hit water aerobics M-W-F and do 30 minutes of cardio on the Nu-step at least 5 days of that week.  I’ll manage to saunter over to the strength training side for some light upper-body work to finish things off.

My biggest obstacles this past week were my body hurting from trying to test out new exercises and trying to get enough rest.  Seems like since finishing my treatments for TNBC, trying to get back on track has been a major undertaking.  Something seems to always happen to halt my progress or seriously slow me down.  Trying to be extra careful NOT to fall into that pit, so I’m listening to my body more and making adjustments as needed. 
It really felt good to reach my first goal weight and has given  me an extra boost of motivation. :o)  I also started tracking my measurements last week and am still scanning my old clothes to see what I’d like to use as my inspiration.  I think I may go with the bathing suit that has a really cute animal print up top. ;o>  The squat challenge has given me a few creaks-n-cracks, but I’m breaking them up into morning squats and evening squats to get in the days challenge.  So far, so good. 

These last few weeks have also been a time of trimming in my life as well.  I’ve started making some hard choices and shedding a lot of stressful commitments.  When something I love to do becomes more of chore to do it … it’s time for something to be cut.  During my vacation I plan to clear my office as well as clear my head of all clutter.  I will practice focusing on only a few projects and giving them 100% of my attention and best efforts. 

Now … let me share with you a little bit of advice for YOUR lifestyle journey if you’re like me (over 50 and dealing with after-effect of your cancer treatments) or if you just need a little bit of encouragement.  We already have a lot of challenges going on, add to it that statistically as we get older it gets more challenging to lose weight after it's gained.  But always remember to move as much as possible, any activity is better than no activity.  Check with area churches, community centers and recreational facilities for FREE or low cost classes.  Learn how to skate, join a dance class (Zumba, Salsa and Belly-dancing are A-W-E-S-O-M-E!), create a home-gym out of things already in your home, little-by-little begin to swap not-so-healthy items for healthier choices, prepare more of your own meals (healthier and saves money), get a group of friends (or a friend) and do it together ... nothing like a friendly competition to keep things going.  Instead of going out for fast-food meal, go out for a short walk or invite friends over and pop in a work-out DVD.  Whatever you decide to do ... don't get discouraged, take your time and just strive to live a healthier life.

Every day is a new day. Never give up.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Rainy Day ...

I'm discovering that my body can't handle daily workouts like it used to ... extremely achey today.  Don't know if some of that can be attributed to the rain, all I know is I'm hurting.  Couldn't workout this morning, so I'll walk with Sansone tonight.  Fell way below my caloric intake yesterday and was not happy with that ... think it was all the salad and veggies instead real meat-n-stuff.  I at least want to meet my caloric intake for the day, cause I don't want my body to adjust to a low amount of calories then kick me when I do eat my calories. 
My vacation starts in two weeks ... I have never been so ready to mentally shutdown.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Keep it Moving ...

Didn’t get a chance to put my thoughts down yesterday, so here we are on this lovely Saturday morning, sipping a cup of coffee after a morning meditation, thinking about the day ahead … and GO.  :o)

I’m making a more conscious effort to walk with perfect posture, shoulders high, back straight and keeping the tummy tight while doing every day stuff.  I’ve noticed I slouch when I sit … gotta keep working on that one.

On Thursday we celebrated National Strawberry Sundae Day at work (we do a fun celebration every month that seems to center around food) and I signed up to bring strawberries and shortcakes.  I knew it was going to be difficult because I love Strawberry Shortcake or will try anything involving a sweet strawberry.  Walked into the room and there it was … a table filled with various cakes, ice cream, toppings and the star of the show … strawberries.   Here’s where I took that deep sigh as if preparing to walk the green mile, headed to the table and only picked up strawberries (one dish was with syrup and one without, I chose the without), YAY ME!.

After facing that challenge I found myself watching Zumba videos for the rest of my break, trying to prepare myself for what was to come (cue suspense music) and persuade myself NOT to head home.  The gym bag was sitting beside my desk, watching me and patiently waiting for me to make a decision.  In my mind, the Zumba videos were making my body ache, but I told myself I was going to see it through. 
Well … THUMBS UP to the instructor (Sherica), she was really good!  I had to pace myself, drink a lot of water and take a few breaks but I made it through (“Turned Up for What” is now my earworm).  And a big THANK YOU to Carolyn “Cookie” Gregory for adding to my line dance repertoire!  Have to say I’m not sure if I’ll do it again anytime soon, because it took too much out of me and left me sore.  As I mentioned previously, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to cause me unnecessary pain as that will prevent from doing other work-outs and that’s not what I want.  But I will slip back in there in the future. :o)   

I was too sore (from Zumba) to work-out Friday morning, so I had to make sure I got in my activity before going to bed.  Saw my cardiologist yesterday and he was pleased with my progress and gave me a wonderful pep talk. :0)  Made some adjustments on my ‘myfitnesspal’ profile to keep up with my goals and start tracking my measurements … of course checked in on my WW page.  The next challenge will be a motivator I used in the past … picking out a dress/outfit (from my closet) that I want to fit into.  Don’t know if I’ll post pictures, but I will be taking pictures … perhaps I’ll post them in the end … I have to think hard on that one.  We’ll see.  In the meantime, here are some pictures from our sundae day and my earworm. 

While you’re making your moves today, let one of them be making someone smile.  Moving forward in faith!   




Thursday, July 17, 2014

What is Your Challenge?

Everyone is into those challenges on Facebook, so I decided to challenge myself and get back on my journey to healthier living. 

Rejoined WW May 28th and have been okay, but not as well as I would like.  Down 9 pounds in WW (11 pounds on myfitnesspal was tracking here before WW).  I realize I’m not as young as I used to be and I can’t do the things I used to do, but … that doesn’t stop me from wishing I could wave my wand and make everything the way I would like.  I’ve made a promised to myself to increase my activity level without putting myself through unnecessary pain.  That has been one of my biggest challenges this past week, that and making smarter food choices.    

So now I’m pushing myself harder, but not too hard :o)  Wednesday was my WW weekly weigh-in day and I made up my mind I would not use it as my cheat day (like I have done in the past).  I continued the rest of my day making smarter choices and got my butt up to exercise after dinner.  Now my promise is more realistic … at least 30 minutes of activity five days a week.  That I can manage better and if I go over … BONUS!   

This morning I woke up, threw on the ‘gear’ and walked with Sansone for a mile at home.  I actually feel pretty good.  And tonight I’m supposed to hit the Y for Zumba … we’ll see how that goes.   Either way, I’m going to make sure I get some activity in before I lay my head on that pillow tonight.   

I am happy and sad to see some of my clothes are already fitting too loosely … not in a position to buy newer stuff right now, but I’m making what I have work. :o)  Improved health, fewer pills and less of me in the mirror are what I’m striving for and I won’t stop until I accomplish those goals. 
Moving forward in faith!   

Friday, May 30, 2014

Loving You ... again

I know this is a repeat, but it's worth repeating. :o) 
Sex and intimacy after breast cancer can be a very sensitive topic for some, but it's something that needs to be discussed.  What I like about this and a few other topics ... it can be applied across the board in your life.    
During my journey I have encountered hundreds of women (and a few men) who've given up a lot while adjusting to their 'new normal'.  You would think the main topic would be losing one or both breasts.  What I have witnessed is many instead talk about losing their hair, eyebrows, lashes, teeth, nails and yes ... their desire for intimacy.

"The sexual side effects of breast cancer can linger long after treatment stops. A 2007 follow-up report on young breast cancer survivors, conducted by researchers at the University of California-Berkeley, found that some women reported persistent sexual difficulties five years after their treatment had ended. And according to the National Cancer Institute, about one out of every two women who’ve undergone breast cancer treatment experiences long-term sexual dysfunction.
That’s the bad news. But the good news is there is sex after breast cancer!" (WebMD)
I always tell others you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.  This holds more truth after being told you have breast cancer.  The focus shouldn't be on resuming sexual relations, it should be on resuming relations ... PERIOD.  That means reestablishing communication, reconnecting with your companion, rediscovering each other and reigniting the passion.  This should occur long before sex enters the picture.  It's just like entering a new relationship and let's face it, the changes experienced during the journey have made us a new person.  

Relationships already have challenges, adding a life-changing diagnosis to the mix will make or break that relationship.  We must begin the journey of 'Loving You'.

To be continued ... <3 <3 <3


Friday, May 2, 2014

Another day ...

Haven't been here in a minute, so ... thought I'd stop in and share. 
Not having the best day so far, but it could be worse.  I guess (as they say) I'm in my feelings today. 
Started the morning not able to find anything I had planned to wear today, my pain levels were (are) on overdrive and I just want to crawl back in the bed. 

Today is our University's retirement luncheon and I'm already wishing I had taken the rest of the day off.  Don't feel up to putting on a fake smile today, but ....

Women's Day is this Sunday ... rehearsals were good and I know it's going to go well on Sunday.  Feeling some 'kinda' way about so many things.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What's Come Over Me ...

Mid-life Crisis: A term coined in 1965 by Elliott Jaques stating a time where adults come to realize their own mortality and how much time is left in their life.[1] A midlife crisis is experienced by many people during the midlife transition when they realize that life may be more than halfway over. Sometimes, a crisis can be triggered by transitions experienced in these years, such as andropause or menopause, the death of parents or other causes of grief, unemployment or underemployment, realizing that a job or career is hated but not knowing how else to earn an equivalent living, or children leaving home. People may reassess their achievements in terms of their dreams. The result may be a desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day-to-day life or situation, such as in career, work-life balance, marriage, romantic relationships, large expenditures, or physical appearance.
taken from:

Lately my thoughts drift more and I find myself dreaming of ways I can retire without moving into a homeless shelter.  I consult the calendar to see how long before I'm fully vested.  I check the financial calculators to see just how little I could live off of if I retired now.  Unlike some financially savvy folk ... I haven't planned well for my retirement and am now in that category of 'having to work until I'm 65' ... if I want to sustain my current standard of living.

I believe it is in part due to my experiencing the dreaded 'mid-life crisis'.  The rest I blame on 'forced' menopause and chemo-brain.  I was never happy with my job, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful ... just not happy.  It has become work (a four-letter word) and when it's work it's not fun.  Now that unhappy feeling has increased as I ease closer to my latter years, while the clock on my 'hoped-for' career (counseling) ticks away.  At work I sit in front of computer most of the day, very little face-to-face contact and tons of paper.  This is odd for me because I love connecting with people.  I love the interaction and I love the stimulating conversations.  In my current environment, I tend to hold the few visitors I get hostage, as if they were a life-line to the outside world.

My personal life is not immune to this crisis and I'm dealing with that the best way possible.  Trying to keep the passion alive, placing little things around me that will remind me of why I am where I am, trying to laugh more, trying to shed the dead weight, trying harder to see people for who they really are ... especially family.

I sometimes think this mid-life crisis thing is a way to excuse some of our crazy behavior as we get older.  I'm not trying to recreate myself, find 'my groove' (old Stella reference) or do any deep soul-searching.  I'm just trying to reach my true goals.  I'm just trying to fill the empty spaces in my life.  I'm just trying to live the life I sing about.  I'm just trying to be more like the person I would want to hang around.  I'm just trying to be a better me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Loving You - Intimacy After Breast Cancer

My next series of blogs will touch on sex and intimacy after breast cancer.  What I like about this and a few other topics ... it can be applied across the board in your life.    
During my journey I have encountered hundreds of women (and a few men) who've given up a lot while adjusting to their 'new normal'.  You would think the main topic would be losing one or both breasts.  What I have witnessed is many instead talk about losing their hair, eyebrows, lashes, teeth, nails and yes ... their desire for intimacy.

"The sexual side effects of breast cancer can linger long after treatment stops. A 2007 follow-up report on young breast cancer survivors, conducted by researchers at the University of California-Berkeley, found that some women reported persistent sexual difficulties five years after their treatment had ended. And according to the National Cancer Institute, about one out of every two women who’ve undergone breast cancer treatment experiences long-term sexual dysfunction.
That’s the bad news. But the good news is there is sex after breast cancer!" (WebMD)
I always tell others you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.  This holds more truth after being told you have breast cancer.  The focus shouldn't be on resuming sexual relations, it should be on resuming relations ... PERIOD.  That means reestablishing communication, reconnecting with your companion, rediscovering each other and reigniting the passion.  This should occur long before sex enters the picture.  It's just like entering a new relationship and let's face it, the changes experienced during the journey have made us a new person.  

Relationships already have challenges, adding a life-changing diagnosis to the mix will make or break that relationship.  We must begin the journey of 'Loving You'.

To be continued ... <3 <3 <3


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

What's Holding You Back?

It is not my habit to observe Lent or Ash Wednesday however, a dear friend (thank you Denita) posted an article entitled "20 Things to Give Up for Lent" written by Pastor Phil of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Old Bridge, NJ. I found it to be very inspiring, timely and much needed in my life.  As IS my habit, I always share a good thing.  I have copied and pasted the article in my blog, so ... not to be accused of plagiarism, I am also including the link to this article 20 Things to Give Up for Lent.  I hope it touches you as much as it has touched me.

[...] With that said, I want to offer up 20 things you might consider giving up this Lent. And these are things to give up not just for Lent, but for the rest of your life.
  • Guilt – I am loved by Jesus and he has forgiven my sins. Today is a new day and the past is behind.
  • Fear – God is on my side. In him I am more than a conqueror. (see Romans 8)
  • The need to please everyone – I can’t please everyone anyways. There is only one I need to strive to please.
  • Envy – I am blessed. My value is not found in my possessions, but in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.
  • Impatience – God’s timing is the perfect timing.
  • Sense of entitlement – The world does not owe me anything. God does not owe me anything. I live in humility and grace.
  • Bitterness and Resentment – The only person I am hurting by holding on to these is myself.
  • Blame – I am not going to pass the buck. I will take responsibility for my actions.
  • Gossip and Negativity – I will put the best construction on everything when it comes to other people. I will also minimize my contact with people who are negative and toxic bringing other people down.
  • Comparison – I have my own unique contribution to make and there is no one else like me.
  • Fear of failure – You don’t succeed without experiencing failure. Just make sure you fail forward.
  • A spirit of poverty – Believe with God that there is always more than enough and never a lack
  • Feelings of unworthiness – You are fearfully and wonderfully made by your creator. (see Psalm 139)
  • Doubt – Believe God has a plan for you that is beyond anything you could imagine. The future is brighter than you could ever realize.
  • Self-pity – God comforts us in our sorrow so that we can comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
  • Retirement – As long as you are still breathing, you are here for a reason. You have a purpose to influence others for Christ. That does not come to an end until the day we die.
  • Excuses – A wise man once said, if you need an excuse, any excuse will do.
  • Lack of counsel – Wise decisions are rarely made in a vacuum.
  • Pride – Blessed are the humble.
  • Worry – God is in control and worrying will not help.
God has so much more in store for you. But so many of these things above are holding you back from walking in the full destiny he has laid out for you. Today is a new day.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Resources for Triple Negative Breast Cancer-Educate to Empower

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation 

Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC) 

Download a free copy of our Guide to Understanding Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. - Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Information on TNBC Day 3.3.14

Information on Clinical Trials

Download the NEW brochure - State of the Art Treatment for TNBC.pdf

"TNBC Foundation has entered into a partnership with Emerging Med to offer a Clinical Trials Matching Service, to make your search faster and easier. By filling out a profile online or by calling 1-877-769-4827 and speaking with a specially-trained clinical trials navigator, you can learn more about clinical trials that are specific to triple negative breast cancer as well as general breast cancer trials that may be enrolling triple negative patients."  - "a registry of federally funded and privately supported trials in the US and globally."

National Cancer InstituteList of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting patients with triple-negative breast cancer.

tnAcity-Celgene Clinical Trial Center

Celgene Clinical Trials - Now enrolling patients with triple-negative metastatic breast cancer for first line treatment.

If you have questions or just need to talk

TNBC toll free helpline: 877-880-TNBC(8622)

Contact to participate in an online support group.

Breast Health Communities

Friday, February 28, 2014

TNBC Day 3.3.14-Educate to Empower

March 3rd is our second, annual TNBC Day (3.3.14), so I'm using my blog to share some interesting facts about Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC).

• Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is one of many forms of breast cancer.

• Forms of breast cancer are generally diagnosed based on the presence or absence 
of three “receptors” known to fuel most breast cancer tumors: estrogen, progesterone and 

• A diagnosis of TNBC means that the tumor in question is estrogen-receptor negative, 
progesterone-receptor negative and Her2-negative. In other words, triple negative breast 
cancer tumors do not exhibit any of the three known receptors.

• Receptor-targeting therapies have fueled tremendous recent advances in the fight against breast cancer. Unfortunately, there is no such targeted therapy for triple negative breast cancer.

• TNBC tends to be more aggressive, more likely to recur, and more difficult to treat because there is no targeted treatment.

• TNBC disproportionately strikes younger women, women of African, Latina or Caribbean 
descent, and those with BRCA1 mutations.

• Approximately every half hour, another woman in the US is diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What about these L-I-E-S ...

My Pastor spoke about losing loved ones.  He talked about the grieving process … the several stages involved and how to stay strong during the process.  I sat there, tears streaming down my cheeks, hurting deep inside.  No … it was not a loss due to natural causes, a terminal illness … not even a heart attack.  I’ve lost a loved one due to the worse sickness of all … L-I-E-S – Libelous Inconsistent Egregious Stories.   

My son has continued to promote a page called “Bring Angelina Home” in which he lays out an emotional story of a baby ripped away from him and his wife at birth.  They also solicit donations for their cause … to (as they say) help them right this terrible wrong.     

My prayer is for everyone to know the truth.  THERE WAS NO ILLEGAL ADOPTION.  Also understand the child's name was never “Angelina Moore”.  She was discharged from SRMC to the Brown's with the last name of Brown as instructed, agreed to and signed by the Moore's.  The Moore's agreed BEFORE the child was born to allow the Brown's to adopt.  Because they continue to promote an untruth, I must continue to promote the truth.  I am also (again) including the FINAL DECISION in which the details of the case are explained within the first two sections.  For those who just want the brief summary, I have included that in this post.  Please don’t make decisions without all the facts. 

Thank you for taking time to read THE TRUTH.


M.K.B., the third child born to the Moores, arrived on March 8, 2009, in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where the Moores reside. Among M.K.B.’s early visitors was appellee Donna Brown, a distant cousin and close friend of Kevin Moore’s mother, and whose relationship with Kevin was such that he had termed Donna his “aunt” during his youth.2 At the time of M.K.B.’s birth, Donna and her husband, Alvin, resided in Harker Heights, Bell County, Texas, near Fort Hood, where Alvin’s U.S. military unit was based—though he was deployed to Iraq—and Donna also was employed.

The parties agree that, in advance of M.K.B.’s birth, the Moores had discussed giving up the child to the Browns for adoption and, in fact, agreed that M.K.B. would live with the Browns following birth. It is likewise undisputed that, following birth, the Moores consented to giving the child the surname “Brown” on the child’s birth certificate (hence the initials “M.K.B.” rather than “M.K.M.”) and executed several documents granting the Browns custody and laying legal groundwork for an adoption.

On March 10, 2009, the Browns, as “prospective adoptive parents,” and the Moores, as “birth parents of the child to be known as [M.K.B.],” executed before a notary an “Entrustment Agreement and Power of Attorney” giving the Browns “all legal rights and authority over said child as if they were the birth parents,” including the power to receive M.K.B. upon discharge from the hospital, and further directing the hospital to discharge M.K.B. to the Browns’ care.3 The agreement also authorized the Browns to transport M.K.B. to their Harker Heights address, “which will be the primary residence of the child.” The parties additionally agreed that they would keep each other advised of their addresses and telephone numbers “until an Order accepting the consent of the birth parents and granting the custodians custody of said child for purposes of adoption has been entered by the appropriate court . . . .”


Monday, January 20, 2014

Lies and Consequences

It is so sad when people lie to hurt others and even worse when those people are your family.  It is even sadder when people don’t know (or care) what or whom they are really hurting.

In this world there are times when all you have is your word.  When you make a promise to someone or an agreement with someone, you should live up to that promise or agreement.  You shouldn’t try to go back on your word and you definitely shouldn’t try to destroy someone’s life in the process.  When you begin to hide the truth, cloud the issues, ignore the facts, disregard feelings, resort to slander and attempt to spread vicious lies … you’ve reached a new kind of low.  I am sick and tired of being the one to always forgive, the one who gets dragged through the mud and doesn’t throw the mud back at those who dragged me through.  So as a part of my ‘forgiveness’ I’m doing some ‘letting go’.  If your intent is to drag folks through the mud while you pretend to be pristine and the ‘victim’ … trust and believe … your show is about to hit the stage … and I’m pulling the curtains. 

For the last four and a half years I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to watch my family be torn apart by lies, deceitful manipulation and selfish motives.  I cannot sit back and just “do nothing” while the people I love are destroying themselves and being destroyed.  I’m not going to discuss how you shared with me your intent on selling your then unborn baby.  I’m not going to discuss how you expressed no emotion for the baby.  I’m not going to discuss how you agreed BEFORE the baby was born to allow those you’ve chosen to slander (on social media) to adopt the baby.  I’m not going to discuss how you lied on, disrespected and even disowned family.  What I am going to do is ask you to stop and think for a moment … think about the life you are really going to destroy … think about that child.  Notice I did not say “baby”.  That child will be 5 years old this year and will be celebrating with THE ONLY MOTHER AND FATHER THAT CHILD HAS KNOWN SINCE BIRTH.  Think about how that child would feel being torn away from the only parents that child has ever known.  Think about how that child would never forgive you for taking away the only parents that child has ever known.  Think about how that child would feel knowing you took away the love, the home, and the life to which that child was accustomed.  Think about the well-being of that child and how your selfish actions, your lies and your deceitful behavior would affect that child.  Think about all those things as you continue to weave lie after lie to cover the truth.

You say you want the “truth” to be heard … well then … perhaps you should start telling the “truth”. 
For those interested in reading the truth, the link to the FINAL court case from August 2013, is included.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rapid Cleanse-NOT

It’s a new season. It’s a new day.  A fresh anointing is coming my way.  Beautiful song, I love the lyrics and am trying to apply it to my life now.

One of the things I decided to do over my holiday break was a cleansing.  Nothing so serious that I would have to give up my hubby, friends and a life, but something that would make a ‘difference’.  I ended up selecting a “natural” product called ‘Rapid Cleanse’ and was extremely disappointed.  Again … I didn’t want to spend 7 days sitting on the toilet, but I wanted to see some type of ‘result’ … especially on the scale.  Well I spent 7 days bloated, uncomfortable, crampy and wondering how much fluid was left in my body.  YUP … just a lot of fluid, no got-to-get-up-and-run pooping.  I lost 7 pounds of fluid and gained back 5 the day after I ended the cleanse.  Smh

Anyhoo … the next step to the ‘new season’ is to limit fast food, prepare more meals at home and increase my activity.  This has been a real challenge because I’m always out doing something (leaving little time for a planned activity) and it’s easier just to grab-n-go food, but I’m working on it … baby steps.  This morning’s struggle will be getting hubby out of bed to hit the gym, I count on him for motivation.  I now see that I also need a ‘work-out hubby’ … that guy who will encourage me through my work-out when my ‘at-home hubby’ is not up to it … just thinking outside my head.

As for the ‘Rapid Cleanse’ fiasco … here’s the “skinny” (pun intended) on the product.  I would not recommend anyone plunking down the $30 bucks it costs for this stuff.  Just drink more water mixed with fresh lemon, try to eat your darker veggies, do your turmeric, flax-seed or healthy smoothies and you’ll get the same (but better) results.

Total Body RAPID Cleanse™
  • Simple, fast and effective
  • Soy-free, gluten-free
  • Great pre-diet cleanse
  • 8 grams soluble fiber daily
  • 3-part formula
Total Body RAPID Cleanse™ is a 7-day, deep-acting total-body cleansing and metabolic jumpstart program‡.
Part 1: Detoxify with Deep Liver and Organ Cleanse‡.Contains potent herbal extracts, amino acids and Vitamin C for powerful antioxidant and deep-cleansing support‡. The liver is the most important detoxification organ in the body, and Total Body RAPID Cleanse supports this critical organ with 4 amino acids and 6 herbal extracts‡. 7 herbal extracts are included to support the rapid and deep detoxification of the lungs, lymphatic system, kidneys, skin and blood‡.
Part 2: Capture with Natural Acacia Fiber. Total Body RAPID Cleanse provides 8 grams of soluble fiber daily. For this 7-day, deep-cleansing experience, we have included 100% soluble acacia fiber. Acacia fiber dissolves completely when mixed with water and has no taste or gritty texture. Fiber is a critical component of colon cleansing, as well as organ detoxification and purification‡.
Part 3: Eliminate with Colon Cleanse.Total Body RAPID Cleanse is formulated with magnesium hydroxide (a mineral that helps to hydrate the bowel) as well as cape aloe and rhubarb to promote bowel contractions‡. Triphala, marshmallow and slippery elm are soothing herbs included to comfort the bowel during this critical cleansing step‡.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.