Saturday, April 18, 2015

Starting all over again is gonna be rough ...

The lyrics of that old song run through my head as I look back over my weight loss diaries (yes ... plural) and I contemplate the latest health challenges, new meds and everything else going on in my life right now.  Some days I feel so overwhelmed and just want to hide under the comforter, but ... I get up, meditate, hit Facebook for some inspiration and go on from there.  Many times I end up just looking at old photos, reliving good times, missing those who have gone on ... a tear escapes ...  a deep sigh and I turn to Stevie (Wonder) for comfort.

I invested in this Chair Gym, an aerobic step an Instride mini-cycle and some small hand weights in hopes of continuing a semblance of physical activity.  Luckily the chair gym came with a 'twister' and I L-O-V-E IT!  When I can't do anything else, I can step on that thingy and twist away my frustrations.  The mini-cycle is good because I can sit in the chair gym and pedal.  I haven't been able to use my hand weights or the pulleys on the chair gym because of issues with both arms (sigh).  Not going to let it get me down though, gonna keep pressing forward.

Had to DRASTICALLY alter my eating because of a new medication I had to start.  That had it ups-n-downs.  The meds didn't work however, I lost weight during the 7 days sooooooooooo. :o)
Thinking about trying to hang on to the some of the new way of eating, but I miss certain pleasures ... a lot.  I don't see how some people can deprive themselves of things they enjoy.  I'm going to slowly re-introduce some stuff, cause I don't like feeling deprived.

Promised myself this would be the year I start focusing more on me and leaving unnecessary things behind.  I'm growing more spiritually, turning away naysayers, surrounding myself with positive, spirit-filled, spirit-driven people and making sure I kiss my hubby every day.

Now if I can just get these new health issues under control ....