Saturday, July 19, 2014

Keep it Moving ...

Didn’t get a chance to put my thoughts down yesterday, so here we are on this lovely Saturday morning, sipping a cup of coffee after a morning meditation, thinking about the day ahead … and GO.  :o)

I’m making a more conscious effort to walk with perfect posture, shoulders high, back straight and keeping the tummy tight while doing every day stuff.  I’ve noticed I slouch when I sit … gotta keep working on that one.

On Thursday we celebrated National Strawberry Sundae Day at work (we do a fun celebration every month that seems to center around food) and I signed up to bring strawberries and shortcakes.  I knew it was going to be difficult because I love Strawberry Shortcake or will try anything involving a sweet strawberry.  Walked into the room and there it was … a table filled with various cakes, ice cream, toppings and the star of the show … strawberries.   Here’s where I took that deep sigh as if preparing to walk the green mile, headed to the table and only picked up strawberries (one dish was with syrup and one without, I chose the without), YAY ME!.

After facing that challenge I found myself watching Zumba videos for the rest of my break, trying to prepare myself for what was to come (cue suspense music) and persuade myself NOT to head home.  The gym bag was sitting beside my desk, watching me and patiently waiting for me to make a decision.  In my mind, the Zumba videos were making my body ache, but I told myself I was going to see it through. 
Well … THUMBS UP to the instructor (Sherica), she was really good!  I had to pace myself, drink a lot of water and take a few breaks but I made it through (“Turned Up for What” is now my earworm).  And a big THANK YOU to Carolyn “Cookie” Gregory for adding to my line dance repertoire!  Have to say I’m not sure if I’ll do it again anytime soon, because it took too much out of me and left me sore.  As I mentioned previously, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to cause me unnecessary pain as that will prevent from doing other work-outs and that’s not what I want.  But I will slip back in there in the future. :o)   

I was too sore (from Zumba) to work-out Friday morning, so I had to make sure I got in my activity before going to bed.  Saw my cardiologist yesterday and he was pleased with my progress and gave me a wonderful pep talk. :0)  Made some adjustments on my ‘myfitnesspal’ profile to keep up with my goals and start tracking my measurements … of course checked in on my WW page.  The next challenge will be a motivator I used in the past … picking out a dress/outfit (from my closet) that I want to fit into.  Don’t know if I’ll post pictures, but I will be taking pictures … perhaps I’ll post them in the end … I have to think hard on that one.  We’ll see.  In the meantime, here are some pictures from our sundae day and my earworm. 

While you’re making your moves today, let one of them be making someone smile.  Moving forward in faith!   




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