O-C-T-O-B-E-R - The month we are buried in a sea of pink. Quite a few survivors express they are sick of the color pink, the ribbons and all they represent. They post their 'F*ck Cancer' pictures and poems (yes ... we've taken time to compose our anger and share to the masses) and spend the month totally focusing on how much they hate it and will be glad for the time it is once again just October and just the color pink. Well, I was ahead of the game ... I was never fond of pink, but was always told 'It's your color' (who knew) and of course I have a granddaughter who absolutely loves those various shades of pink (she's such a girl ... sometimes ...).
I have come to embrace the color and the ribbon. I welcome the month and bringing global awareness to a disease that has taken so many lives and drastically changed the lives of those of us still here. You call us 'Survivors' ... I prefer 'Overcomer'. I've tried to insert that into my discussions/meetings over the years, but it's been hard to catch on ... I really think if the right person throws it out there ... say Robin Roberts or some other great, well-known champion ... we'd have 'overcomer' shirts as opposed to 'survivor' shirts. Just a thought and in case Robin Roberts somehow trips across this blog (yeah right).
I'll be 5 years into remission January (2014) and I plan to celebrate around February-ish. That 5 year mark is very important for me and others diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). It means are chances of survival improve and we get to start the next countdown in our journey. Some of my TNBC sisters have not been so fortunate and are no longer here to continue the countdown.
My dream after surgery was always to get reconstruction and a FREE tummy tuck!! I envisioned myself walking around with perky new breasts and a oh-so flat tummy. Well that dream was deferred when I was told there was too much damage from the radition to take a chance on reconstruction. I say 'deferred' because I'm still considering taking that chance, not for the sake of vanity (at least not totally), but this time more for the sake of feeling good about myself when I look in the mirror. You see ... I still have not adjusted to the un-even appearance of my top-shelf (yes, 'top-shelf' as in the better brands of alcohol at the bar ... tee-hee). I would welcome the opportunity to get a re-adjustment and if they happen to throw in that tummy tuck ... I won't complain.
I can see me know, strolling around with my new Ta-Tas and tummy, head held high, shoulders back and paying so much less for my bras. Oh ... I love me some me right now, but I would love me some me even more if I didn't spend additional time in the mirror trying to align my top-shelf. A dream deferred ... sigh.
Enough about me and shelf (Did I mention I have little patience for narcissism?)
This month is about bringing more awareness to a very serious issue affecting so many ... breast cancer and for me TNBC (Did you know there are different types of breast cancer?). Because our number are increasing, the research efforts are increasing ... not equally, but they are increasing. We need to continue to encourage, educate and empower everyone man, woman and child BEFORE they are called on this journey and if they are ever called ... we double our efforts.
A little secret: Many 'overcomer's are surprised to hear those with TNBC have no real maintenance plan after treatment. Right now it's kind of 'throw something out there and see what works' or my plan ... trust in God. So far my plan has been working, so I think I'm going to stick with that one. ;o)